Innovation is our business
„La protection de la propriété industrielle a pour objet les brevets d’invention, les modèles d’utilité, les dessins ou modèles industriels, les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, les marques de service, le nom commercial et les indications de provenance ou appellations d’origine, ainsi que la répression de la concurrence déloyale.“
Art. 1 Convention de Paris
Economic success requires persistent work on innovations. Innovations must be protected by registered IP rights against copying and forgery in order to exploit them economically. The increasing number of applications for registered IP rights worldwide reflects the augmenting importance of IP portfolios in the economy.
As a patent attorney seated in Porta Westfalica – Barkhausen I act before the German and European Authorities of intellectual property rights, namely the German Patent Office, the European Patent Office, but also before the European Office for Intellectual Property in Alicante, Spain, which is exclusively in charge of the non-technical intellectual property rights.
in cooperation without any liability under corporate law
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